How to reach us

The Frankfurt Zoological Society is located in the Zoogesellschaftshaus at the main entrance to Frankfurt Zoo.

Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1
60316 Frankfurt

Go through the gate leading to the Zoo, turn right, and walk along the side of the building of the Zoogesellschaftshaus, then up the ramp. Then follow the signs for “Zoologische Gesellschaft Frankfurt”. You will find the meeting room and the FZS Europe, South America & Southeast Asia, and Communications Departments offices on the first floor, all other offices are located on the fourth floor.

Public transportation

From Frankfurt Main Central Railway Station (Hauptbahnhof) to Frankfurt Zoo

Please buy a ticket “Einzelfahrschein Frankfurt” (one-way ticket Frankfurt). Follow the sign to get to the S-Bahn station in the basement level of the central railway station. Take any S-Bahn from platform 101 or 102 in direction of the city center and go to Konstablerwache(3rdstop from Hauptbahnhof). At Konstablerwache change to the subway (U-Bahn )which departs from the opposite track on the same platform. U-Bahn lines 6 and 7 (in direction Ost-Bahnhof or Enkheim) departing from this track stop at the station Zoo (one stop from Konstablerwache). At the ‘Zoo’ station choose the exit in direction of travel and follow the exit “Zoo/Alfred-Brehm-Platz” so you get out directly in front of the main entrance of the zoo.

Traveling from the central railway station to the zoo will take about 15 minutes.

From Frankfurt Airport’s S-Bahn Station to the Frankfurt Zoo

Follow the sign to get to the S-Bahn station in the basement level of the airport. Take the S-Bahn (Lines 8 or 9) to the station Konstablerwache. At Konstablerwache change to the subway(U-Bahn ) which departs from the opposite track on the same platform. U-Bahn lines 6 and 7 (in direction Ost-Bahnhof or Enkheim) departing from this track stop at the station Zoo (one stop from Konstablerwache). At the ‘Zoo’ station choose the exit in direction of travel and follow the exit “Zoo/Alfred-Brehm-Platz” so you get out directly in front of the main entrance of the zoo.

Traveling from the airport to the Zoo will take about 30 minutes.

Parking garages

At and around the Zoo, the number of free parking spaces is limited. However, the following parking garages are available in the immediate vicinity of the Zoo:

  • Parkhaus Zoopassage – Grüne Straße 11
  • Parkhaus City-­Parkhaus Ost – 2 Einfahrten: Waldschmidtstr. 43 oder Wittelsbacher-­Allee 26
  • Parkhaus Mousonturm – Waldschmidtstr. 6
  • Parkhaus Klinik Rotes Kreuz – Königswarterstr. 19


You can also take a taxi from Frankfort central railway station(Hauptbahnhof) for around 15 Euros, or from the airport for around 35-40 Euros. Night fees might differ.


Zoologische Gesellschaft Frankfurt von 1858 e.V.
Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1
60316 Frankfurt

Telephone: +49 (0)69 - 94 34 46 0
Fax: +49 (0)69 - 43 93 48

You will find our office in the Zoogesellschaftshaus (1st floor).