Results of the Selous Mikumi Wildlife Census announced: “We are pleased to report that compared to the previous census (2018), the current census revealed most species to have remained stable”, said the Director General of TAWIRI, Dr. Eblate Ernest Mjingo.

Nyerere – Selous – Mikumi Ecosystem Aerial Wildlife Survey Results
Arusha, Tanzania, 22nd April – Honourable Angellah Kairuki (MP), the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, announced the results of the Nyerere – Selous – Mikumi Ecosystem Aerial Wildlife Census.
The aerial wildlife census was led by the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) in collaboration with the Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA) and Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) in October/November 2022. The census team deployed 4 light aircraft flown by experienced pilots at an average height of only 103 m above ground level. Trained observers recorded all animals observed on transects whilst the front seat observer assisted with navigation and data recording. The census surveyed a total of 101,537 km2, and flew a total distance of 20,274 km, equivalent to flying Dodoma to Berlin almost 3 times.
The 2022 survey results estimate the 2022 Nyerere – Selous – Mikumi Ecosystem elephant population to be 20,006 ± 1,793 (se). This result indicates a continued modest recovery of the elephant population from 13,084 (±1816) in 2013, 15,217 (±1800) in 2014, 15,501 (±1819) in 2018 to 20,006 (±1793) in 2022.
The positive upward trend of elephant population estimates is encouraging, but conservation efforts must be sustained to continue the recovery of the population near the pre-poaching crisis population.
“We are pleased to report that compared to the previous census (2018), the current census revealed most species to have remained stable. The stabilizing of the elephant population numbers combined with very few incidences of fresh elephant carcasses indicate that poaching continues to be under control” said the Director General of TAWIRI, Dr. Eblate Ernest Mjingo.
“Frankfurt Zoological Society is pleased to have supported a fourth consecutive wildlife census for the Nyerere – Selous – Mikumi. The 2022 aerial wildlife census was conducted with financial support through the Selous Ecosystem Conservation Development Program (SECAD). The SECAD program is funded through KfW on behalf of the German Government and is implemented by the Ministry of Natural
Resources and Tourism (MNRT) through the Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA), Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA) in cooperation with Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and GOPA-INFRA” said FZS Country Director, Dr. Ezekiel Dembe.
The full report “Aerial Wildlife Survey of Large Animals and Human Activities in Nyerere-Selous-Mikumi Ecosystem, Dry Season 2022” is available at,