Annual Report 2018

“For the first time in ten years, not a single elephant was poached within the North Luangwa National Park in Zambia in 2018.” Says Klaus Becker, FZS President. 2018 brought other successes, such as the establishment of Yaguas National Park in Peru. Read these stories and see our 2018 financial statement in this FZS Annual Report.

09/15/2019, Kasia Rabel

Dear readers and friends of FZS,

When scientists of the World Biodiversity Council IPBES stepped in front of the cameras and microphones of the world press in Paris on 6 May this year, they pulled no punches. Our planet is in a critical state. Coral reefs, forests, seas and wetlands – man has interfered to such an extent in almost all natural realms that functioning habitats and biodiversity are now in a precarious downward spiral. The IPBES report makes deeply frustrating reading for all nature conservationists, all wilderness experts, all animal lovers and all biologists. It shows just how quickly everything we are working to protect can slip through our fingers.

Fortunately, there is also some good news in that our projects are having a positive effect and that our efforts are not in vain, despite some setbacks. For the first time in ten years, not a single elephant was poached within the North Luangwa National Park in Zambia in 2018. The consistent and professional protection of the park as set out in our North Luangwa Conservation Programme is bearing fruit. This was made possible by the efforts of the highly committed employees, but also by the trust and support of numerous donors.

The example of Yaguas in Peru shows how closely the protection of nature is linked to the protection of the livelihoods and rights of indigenous peoples. Yaguas lies in the north of the country and was designated a national park in 2018. This was at the urging of local communities and represents a great success for local people and the natural environment alike.

Examples like these give us courage. Because in climate protection, but also in the face of the destruction of the natural world, we cannot simply return to “business as usual”. Fortunately, this message is now being understood by politicians and large sections of the public. But it remains to be seen to what extent we humans will actually be prepared to bear personal consequences, to change our standard of living or to accept cuts. We at FZS will continue to work with all means at our disposal to preserve the last wild areas of our planet. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the numerous institutions and individuals who support us in this endeavour for their financial commitment, their generosity and their trust in us.

Klaus Becker
President of the Frankfurt Zoological Society


Zoologische Gesellschaft Frankfurt von 1858 e.V.
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60316 Frankfurt

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Fax: +49 (0)69 - 43 93 48

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