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  • 12/20/2024News

    Critical Support for Ukraine’s Protected Areas: How We Overcome the Challenges in Times of War


    Critical Support for Ukraine’s Protected Areas: How We Overcome the Challenges in Times of War

    Since the beginning of the war, FZS and its partners have been providing emergency support in Ukraine. The challenges have changed, but the situation in the country remains critical. The conflict has had devastating consequences for Ukraine’s society, economy, and nature.

  • 11/24/2023News

    Carpathians’ Life: FZS Ukraine Photo Contest


    Carpathians’ Life: FZS Ukraine Photo Contest

    Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) Ukraine, in partnership with the Carpathian Mountain International Film Festival (CMIFF), hosted the “Carpathians’ Life” photo contest for the 3rd time, showcasing the rich ecological diversity and cultural heritage of the Carpathians, while paying tribute to life in the protected areas supporting those affected by war.

  • 11/30/2022Project update

    FZS Ukraine adapts

    11/30/2022Project update

    FZS Ukraine adapts

    Our work in Ukraine has changed since February 2022 due to the uncertain situation, setbacks encountered, and safety concerns for our employees in Lviv and in the Carpathians. Despite the challenges, we have been able to make progress.

  • 09/26/2022Press release

    E40 waterway would destroy biodiversity hotspots and key protected areas, says new report

    09/26/2022Press release

    E40 waterway would destroy biodiversity hotspots and key protected areas, says new report

    Save Polesia Partnership’s stark warning: abandon E40 waterway megaproject or vital wetlands, grasslands, forests, and mires across Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine face catastrophe.

  • 05/24/2022Project update

    A new reality for Ukraine’s protected areas

    05/24/2022Project update

    A new reality for Ukraine’s protected areas

    The Ukrainian Carpathians have become a shelter for people fleeing conflict in the east of the country. FZS and partners have been supporting the protected areas and the Internally Displaced People they are hosting in various ways.

  • 03/09/2022Project update

    We will continue to support protected areas in Ukraine

    03/09/2022Project update

    We will continue to support protected areas in Ukraine

    “Overnight a third of our European program, a place where we have been over two decades conducting on-the-ground conservation work with local staff and partners, has evaporated. What is important now is not to lose hope and not to end up in despair. Hope is what takes us into the … Read more

  • 02/24/2022Project update

    Ukraine: Project work on hold, supporting staff to get to safety

    02/24/2022Project update

    Ukraine: Project work on hold, supporting staff to get to safety

    We are devastated by the conflict development in Ukraine. Currently our main priority is to bring our local colleagues, their families and friends to safety.

  • 02/02/2022Press release

    New economic report indicates E40 waterway would operate at massive loss

    02/02/2022Press release

    New economic report indicates E40 waterway would operate at massive loss

    A new economic analysis reveals that the planned E40 waterway would operate at a severe economic loss in the long-term, even under optimistic scenarios.

  • 01/26/2022Press release

    Achieving protected status for Polesia, Europe’s largest wetland wilderness

    01/26/2022Press release

    Achieving protected status for Polesia, Europe’s largest wetland wilderness

    Following important steps taken in Belarus and Ukraine to protect peatlands at the heart of Polesia, conservationists want to see the region awarded UNESCO status.

  • 12/10/2021Project update

    Endangered eagle migration patterns key to their conservation

    12/10/2021Project update

    Endangered eagle migration patterns key to their conservation

    The Greater Spotted Eagle is in trouble. Almost extinct in western Europe, Polesia is a stronghold for the critically endangered birds. Roughly 16% of the continent’s population is found in Belarus and 4% in Ukraine. Yet, even in Polesia’s vast network of forests and wetlands, numbers are dropping. Only in … Read more

  • 11/04/2021Project update

    A view of the Carpathians

    11/04/2021Project update

    A view of the Carpathians

    Rolling green mountains turn to rich hues of orange and red, as insects dance above highland streams. A wolf track here, bear scat there, and a breathtaking panoramic vista beyond – the Carpathian mountains are without doubt a landscape of outstanding natural beauty. Could these scenes help win hearts and … Read more

  • 03/16/2021Project update

    Learnings from Ukraine’s Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

    03/16/2021Project update

    Learnings from Ukraine’s Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

    Two FZS researchers are using camera traps to examine wildlife within FZS projects in Europe that have different levels of human impact. Their findings aim to benefit decision-makers, assist with expanding protected areas, and measure the health of wildlife populations elsewhere.


Zoologische Gesellschaft Frankfurt von 1858 e.V.
Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1
60316 Frankfurt

Telephone: +49 (0)69 - 94 34 46 0
Fax: +49 (0)69 - 43 93 48

You will find our office in the Zoogesellschaftshaus (1st floor).