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  • 12/13/2024News

    In Memory of David Bonderman


    In Memory of David Bonderman

    David Bonderman (1942–2024), a visionary philanthropist and dedicated conservationist, has left an indelible mark on the world of wildlife conservation. As a significant supporter of the Frankfurt Zoological Society, his contributions have been instrumental in advancing conservation efforts globally.

  • 09/27/2024

    The return of lions to Nsumbu National Park


    The return of lions to Nsumbu National Park

    An exciting wildlife recovery milestone has been reached in Nsumbu National Park, with three lions reintroduced after a near decade absence of the species in the ecosystem.

  • 08/20/2024News

    Building Pride: Fostering a lion-scape on the lakeshore


    Building Pride: Fostering a lion-scape on the lakeshore

    Over a decade ago illegal hunting led to severe wildlife declines in Zambia’s Nsumbu National Park. Lions disappeared from the landscape, disrupting the ecological balance. Reintroducing lions is a critical part of restoring the ecosystem. Now, the Nsumbu Tanganyika Conservation Programme is working to return lions to Nsumbu National Park, … Read more

  • 12/15/2022Project update

    North Luangwa National Park awarded for conservation excellence

    12/15/2022Project update

    North Luangwa National Park awarded for conservation excellence

    At COP15 in Montreal, Canada, the IUCN announced that North Luangwa National Park is the first Park in Zambia to be part of its Green List, which recognizes protected areas that have been fairly governed, effectively managed and that respect local communities through fair and meaningful engagement.

  • 04/13/2022Project update

    Black Rhino Rescue in Zambia

    04/13/2022Project update

    Black Rhino Rescue in Zambia

    The FZS team in North Luangwa National Park, Zambia, successfully pulled off a complicated rhino rescue. The animal is now roaming safer areas of the National Park thanks to a helicopter and the help of dedicated partners.

  • 01/24/2022FZS in the media

    Claire Lewis: Good news! Black rhinos and elephants are on the rise in Zambia

    01/24/2022FZS in the media

    Claire Lewis: Good news! Black rhinos and elephants are on the rise in Zambia

    FZS Technical Advisor in North Luangwa, Zambia, spoke about raising three children in the wilderness, how rhinos, elephants, lions and wild dogs recovered from poaching and more in this podcast by Nature Solutionaries.

  • 11/05/2021Press release

    North Luangwa National Park is now a Legacy Landscape

    11/05/2021Press release

    North Luangwa National Park is now a Legacy Landscape

    The Legacy Landscapes Fund Board of Directors has approved funding for the first two protected areas. North Luangwa National Park in Zambia and Madidi National Park in Bolivia will receive one million US dollars of funding per year for at least 15 years.

  • 06/28/2021Press release

    Nsumbu Tanganyika Conservation Programme Completes First Major Wildlife Translocation to Nsumbu National Park

    06/28/2021Press release

    Nsumbu Tanganyika Conservation Programme Completes First Major Wildlife Translocation to Nsumbu National Park

    Nsumbu National Park has welcomed 200 buffalos and 48 zebras in a move which represents a historic milestone in the recovery of the Nsumbu Mweru Ecosystem.


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