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  • 12/16/2021Press release

    Gonarezhou National Park becomes a Legacy Landscape

    12/16/2021Press release

    Gonarezhou National Park becomes a Legacy Landscape

    The Legacy Landscapes Fund supervisory board has decided to fund two more protected areas: Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe and Odzala-Kokoua National Park, Republic of Congo. Both sites will be funded with one million US dollars annually for at least 15 years.

  • 08/04/2021Project update

    Black rhinos re-introduced to Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe

    08/04/2021Project update

    Black rhinos re-introduced to Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe

    After nearly 30 years of absence, critically endangered black rhinos are being re-introduced to Gonarezhou National Park by the Gonarezhou Conservation Trust’s team of experts and partners.


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