The area of southeastern Peru where the Andes mountains meet the Amazon basin is one of the most biodiverse regions on earth. The pristine forests contain world record numbers of bird, reptile, amphibian, tree, butterfly, and dragonfly species diversity. Moreover, this region still includes unique wilderness areas that are also home to indigenous people who live in isolation and without contact with Western civilization, one of the last places in the world where this still happens.

In recent decades, the Peruvian government has set up several, in some cases very large, protected areas such as the Manú, Alto Purús, Bahuaja Sonene and, Yaguas National Parks, as well as the Tambopata and Megantoni National Reserves and indigenous protected areas. This gives endangered species, such as the giant otter, jaguar and, Andean bear, an important refuge.

Since 1969, FZS has supported various projects in Peru to protect endangered species. In 1990, a detailed study of the giant otters led to the evolution of FZS engagement in the Andes to the Amazon Conservation Program. Since then, the support has grown continuously in recent years, now comprising four geographical landscapes that include more than 131,000 km² encompassing 13 protected areas.

The goal of our activities in Peru is the conservation of the species-rich ecosystems in the Amazon of the country. To achieve this, we focus on the protected areas and work in close collaboration with the Peruvian national protected area authority (SERNANP). In addition, FZS Peru is collaborating with local and indigenous communities, indigenous federations and, local and regional governments to ensure the long-term protection of these mega-diverse and species-rich project areas.

Our focus areas in Peru

  • Provide infrastructure, equipment as well as training to park staff to support the protection of the vast areas
  • Remote surveillance through high-resolution satellite data, overflights, and the use of civilian drones to detect illegal activities in the protected areas
  • Conduct biological monitoring by researching indicator species such as the giant otter and manatees
  • Support environmental education in local communities in and around protected areas
  • Protect the home of indigenous people living in isolation and initial contact
  • Make sure that the use of natural resources is sustainable and supports participatory management of natural resources in and around protected areas
The area of southeastern Peru where the Andes mountains meet the Amazon basin is one of the most biodiverse regions on earth. The pristine forests contain world record numbers of bird species, this Andean Cock-of-the-Rock is one of those species. © Daniel Rosengren
FZS project partner, Liz Chicaje, contributed significantly to the integration of indigenous communities into the process of Yaguas becoming a National Park. ©️ Ingrid Chalán
Manú, Alto Purús, Bahuaja Sonene and, Yaguas National Parks, as well as the Tambopata and Megantoni National Reserves give endangered species, such as the Andean bear, an important refuge. © Daniel Rosengren
Since 1969, FZS has supported various projects in Peru, protecting endangered species. Since then, the support has grown continuously in recent years, now comprising four geographical landscapes that include more than 131,000 km² encompassing 13 protected areas. © Daniel Rosengren
The Bahuaja Sonene landscape in Peru contains about 20% of Peru’s species, including 180 mammal species such as this Red Howler monkey. © Daniel Rosengren
Over 700 species of vertebrates were recorded in Yaguas in 2019, this Banded Tree Anole (Anolis transversalis) being one of them, this makes this area one of the most diverse places in the Peruvian Amazon. © Daniel Rosengren
Part of the work that we conduct in Peru includes supporting environmental education in local communities in and around protected areas. Here an FZS staff member is showing a picture of an Andean Bear to students in the Matsiguenka School in Boca Manu, Peru. © Daniel Rosengren
We conduct biological monitoring by researching indicator species. For example, since 1990 we have been conducting detailed studies on the giant otter. This work led to greater FZS involvement in conservation in Peru. © Daniel Rosengren
The Manu landscape encompasses a unique altitudinal gradient from 4,200 meters in the high Andes with puna grasslands, through cloud, mountain, and foothill forests to lowland tropical forests at an altitude of only 300 meters. © Daniel Rosengren
The pristine forests where the Andes meets the Amazon contain world record numbers of butterfly species. © Daniel Rosengren
Annual monitoring of key aquatic species, such as the giant otter and the Yellow-spotted River turtles takes place in some of the protected areas we support, such as Purús. © Daniel Rosengren
The vast, and at the same time, remote Purús landscape is famous for being one of the most untouched and species-rich areas of the Amazon basin. It is also home to indigenous peoples live in isolation and without visible interference with their natural environment. © John Houston/ProPurus

Project updates

  • 04/09/2024News

    Combining integrating ancestral knowledge with modern conservation strategies


    Combining integrating ancestral knowledge with modern conservation strategies

    Congratulations to FZS employee Isabel Porras Santa Cruz from Peru. She is among the winners of this year’s KfW Foundation grant. The grant is awarded to selected KFW Fellows of Frankfurt Spring School to bring their innovative conservation projects to life. The grant is a means of supporting biodiversity protection.

  • 05/25/2023News

    50 Years Manu National Park – World Champion of Diversity


    50 Years Manu National Park – World Champion of Diversity

    Manu National Park in Peru is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Located in the southeast of the country, the protected area is not only a world champion of biodiversity, but also an outstanding example of a close connection between nature and tradition. It is rightly a UNESCO World Heritage Site and … Read more

  • 10/25/2022Project update

    The plight of the Giant Otter

    10/25/2022Project update

    The plight of the Giant Otter

    The largest mustelid species in the world is in trouble. Activities such as mining are destroying their habitat. How safe are they within protected areas? Only monitoring can give us a good answer.

Our Peruvian projects

  • Peru

    Bahuaja Sonene and Tambopata

  • Peru

    Manú Landscape

  • Peru

    Purús Landscape

  • Peru



The growth and geographic expansion of FZS’s Peru program leads to a division into four ‘landscape’ projects, each with a national park as its core and emphasis.


FZS helps ensure the successful designation of Yaguas National Park.


Expansion of FZS’s focus from southeastern to include the Yaguas area in northeastern Peru.


Founding of “Ayuda para Vide Silvestre Amenazada Peru – Sociedad Zoológica de Francfort” (FZS Perú) and the start of comprehensive support for protected areas from the eastern slopes of the Andes to the Amazon lowlands.


FZS director Dr. Christof Schenck and his wife Dr. Elke Staib start their research on the endangered giant otters in Manu National Park. The monitoring work is still ongoing and provides the longest continuous research data on giant otters. The project area has since been extended far beyond the park boundaries of Manu National Park to include other populations in other protected areas of Peru.


FZS supports the creation of Manu National Park.


FZS begins work in Peru by supporting research on endangered black caiman in the Manu region and helps establish the famous Cocha Cashu Biological research station.



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