FZS and Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) are working to co-implement a project co-financed by BMZ through KfW entitled: Serengeti Ecosystem Development and Conservation Project (SEDCP). The project aims to make large strides toward reconciling the developmental needs of the communities adjacent to the Serengeti ecosystem with conservation goals.
The project partners acknowledge that economic development within the Serengeti ecosystem is urgently needed, but that this should not come at the expense of irreplaceable biodiversity or the incredible economic contribution that Serengeti provides to the national and local economies. SEDCP aims to provide conservation-compatible, tangible development opportunities to communities.
- Measures for strengthening sustainable ecosystem management, and mechanisms for sharing benefits with the communities adjacent to the eastern and western park borders
- Rehabilitation of feeder roads to improve the transport of goods and services
- Improvement of social and economic village infrastructure
- Infrastructure and support measures for strengthening resource protection and environmental sustainability within Serengeti National Park
The project implementation of SEDCP will be done by TANAPA with support from FZS, and in close collaboration with our partners: the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Districts.
FZS will provide support for strengthening community engagement in conservation, including village land-use plans in both Districts and the development of alternative income-generating activities. FZS will continue its facilitation of Community-Based Natural Resources Management through capacity building, conservation planning, game scout, and natural resource management training. FZS will also work with partners to develop and promote equitable benefit sharing linked to natural resource conservation.