Tour operators supporting Park anti-poaching efforts

Poaching remains a major challenge to conservation in Tanzania. In the Serengeti, tour operators are now supporting Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) by funding the Frankfurt Zoological Society supported de-snaring program in the Serengeti.

  • Experienced teams under the Tanzania National Parks Authority work with former poachers
  • Regular searches in the most troubled areas of the Serengeti National Park
  • Thousands of snares removed
  • Hundreds of animals released alive from snares
  • Disrupting snaring and meat poaching in the park
  • Strong support from the Tanzania National Parks Authority and tourism operators in the park

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Snaring mainly targets abundant species such as wildebeest, which are killed for the meat. But snares are also deadly traps for many other animals that are not targeted, such as predators or elephants.

The Serengeti de-snaring program is a unique partnership between Serengeti Park management, FZS, and tour operators – the SENAPA INVESTORS – working in the area. The de-snaring program is fully managed by the Serengeti park management, with a ranger in charge of each team, which also has at least four ex-poachers that move through the park, removing snares and freeing trapped animals. Since the project began in 2017 thousands of snares have been collected and hundreds of live animals were released and freed from the snares.

Serengeti Mission Possible - Support the de-snaring teams

The COVID-19 outbreak has decimated the tourism industry in the Serengeti, throwing thousands of camp staff out of work. Serengeti Mission Possible is an emergency relief fund launched Easter 2020 to support extra de-snaring teams and to keep a law enforcement presence in areas in the Serengeti National Park that will be otherwise empty as budget shortages hit. This campaign offers a quick and practical response needed to mitigate the risk of increased poaching that is now taking place.

You can donate to

Bank: CRDB (Cooperative and Rural Development Bank)
Account name: FZS Tanzania Donors Account
Account number: 0250 3011 79701
Bank address: Meru Branch, PO Box 3132, Arusha, Tanzania

Supports the Serengeti rangers with supplies.
  1. 50 €
  2. 100 €
  3. 250 €
  4. 500 €
  5. 1000 €

Financial support from tour operators, who rely on the region’s wildlife and an intact ecosystem as the basis for tourism in the area, was sought in 2017 and through this initiative, FZS has demonstrated the way in which collaborative effort can help protect Tanzania’s wildlife heritage, thereby benefiting all stakeholders in the ecosystem.

Tour operators and partners supporting the fight against poaching

In close collaboration with TATO (Tanzania Association of Tour Operators), a Memorandum of Understanding has been established between FZS, TANAPA, and Serengeti National Park operators from the private sector, with the goal of initiating the de-snaring program. This collaborative effort involved setting up an initial de-snaring team in 2017, with two more added since.

Voluntary donations from the private sector, NGOs such as the Lion Recovery Fund, and individual donors provide the core funding for this program while FZS provides all logistical support to the field teams in the form of equipment, provisioning, transfer of teams, vehicle maintenance, etc. The goal is to add more teams in the future, subject to financial support and need in the park.

In order to continue doing this important work, we need your help.

Supporting Tour Operators

  • Air Excel
  • Tanganyika Wilderness Camps
  • Kibo Guides Ltd.
  • Pure Afro Travels Tanzania
  • Nomad Tanzania
  • Arusha Villa
  • Four Seasons Safari Lodge Serengeti
  • African Environments
  • Dorobo Tours & Safaris
  • Nasikia Camps Tanzania
  • Kirurumu Under Canvas
  • Hanspaul Ltd
  • The Map’s Edge
  • Legendary Expeditions
  • One Nature Hotels & Resorts
  • Wild Frontiers Africa
  • Maasai Wanderings
  • Ranger SafarisRanger Safaris
  • Serengeti Balloon SafarisSerengeti Balloon Safaris
  • Alex Walker Safaris
  • Tanzanian Experience
  • Takims Holidays
  • Tanzania Outfitters & Safaris LtdTanzanian Outfitters & Safari Ltd
  • Altezza Travel
  • Alistair Logistics
  • Grand Circle Foundation
  • Katja Willach Stiftung
  • Kearsleys Travel & Tours


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