Dies sind die Orginalinterviews von Folge 71, deswegen geht es hier auf Englisch weiter. In this episode, we talk with colleagues from Ukraine about how they personally experience the war and why conservation work is incredibly important, especially in times of war.

Ukraine: Conserving Nature in Times of War (English episode)
Three years ago, on February 24, 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine. The war did not stop our work in the country—quite the opposite: Within days, we were able to provide aid to people on the ground—conservation turned into emergency relief. Since then, our teams in Ukraine have been working tirelessly to support people and protect nature.

Michael Brombacher is the head of the Europe Program at the Frankfurt Zoological Society. He talks about why we, as an organization, remain committed to supporting Ukraine in preserving its valuable natural landscapes.

Maria Halaiko works directly with the protected areas administrations in Ukraine. During the first days of the war, she supported refugees in the country alongside our teams – providing blankets, stoves, and essential survival supplies. Today, her work is once again focused on managing protected areas in the Ukrainian Carpathians, as they currently have far fewer resources than they need.

Hanna Kuzo has been working with FZS Ukraine since 2019. She is currently the coordinator for environmental education programs in the protected areas of the Carpathians and started developing an environmental education program in the midst of the war. Her goal is to give people a sense of hope — or even just a brief moment of distraction.